
Monday, April 16, 2012

Appliances and Cabinets are HERE!

Even though we don't have a kitchen, Lowes wouldn't hold the appliances we ordered last November any longer. A few days after we moved in, we had them delivered. Unfortunately, they are just going to have to sit in our dining room until we are ready to install them. Check out the double-oven! And it will definitely be nice to have dishwasher again - its getting tiring to have to wash everything in our utility sink… ha… #firstworldproblems

Steph was VERY excited to get these bad boys in. She was going through laundry withdrawl. AND they even sing to you when they are done. Almost makes laundry an enjoyable pastime…

The delivery guys called it "Big Boy" - this thing is a beast. I'm pretty sure we could fit a body in here…

A few short days later, the cabinets came - and boy were we in for a surprise. The guys show up and I ask them if we have enough room in our dining room for all the boxes… they look at me and almost with scorn tell me that our cabinets are taking up more than a quarter of their truck. I have no idea how we have this many boxes - I think we have enough for 2 kitchens!

I'm not quite sure how we're going to be able to walk through here.

Our massive lazy susans spilled into the living room….

This is going to be the true test of will-power and organization… We need to make sure that everything is perfect since we spent so much time designing everything, making sure that each detail was taken into account. We are so amazed that our kitchenless existence is slowly coming to an end. So far, we have been living on a Wegmans $6 meals (which are amazing) and various Crock Pot meals (also delicious). It will be nice when we don't have to dig through boxes to find a cutting board, or eat using plaster forks, but we know that things could be MUCH worse. In the end, we will look back on this as the "Dark Times" and laugh… hopefully… ;)

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