Sorry for the radio silence the past couple days. We have been keeping very busy trying to get things back on track. Sorry about the upcoming rant in 3, 2, 1...
We are putting tile around the bathtub, but unfortunately its a project that would be a little big for our britches right now - so we brought in a "professional." First of all, thanks to Steph's parents' connections, we got some free tile for the bathroom walls. Steph wasn't 100% sold on it, but the price was definitely right, and if it was laid correctly it could have worked. Unfortunately, that was not the case. The cuts around the corner were uneven, the lines weren't straight, and Steph described it as an insane asylum shower (haha).
To add insult to injury, Lowes sent us 5 boxes of tile for the floor - an awesome black and while mosaic. However, one of the boxes was from a different dye lot. Unfortunately this wasn't caught by the tile guy until the four boxes were laid. Not to fear... off to Lowes goes Steph. Only to find that not only do no stores have it in stock - but it has been discontinued.
So in the end, it all had to come off and we have to start again. The nail in the coffin was that the tile guy left with the promise to take up the floor on Monday. However, we knew that it would be impossible to get off without taking the whole cement board up, so we had to work quickly to get it up ourselves. So close to having a working toilet and yet so far. The positive is that we noticed the mistakes and we know what we want so we can correct them this time around.
This is the bathroom post tile apocolypse.
Lowes said they needed the tile back in full sheets to be able to return it.
That will work... right?
Annnnnnd (last rant, I promise) we had to get inspection this week so we had to bring everything up to code. One the the most annoying parts of this is filling in the balloon construction with Fire-board and Fire Caulk - this was my job. It took me almost all night on Saturday and a good part of Sunday to get it done. This stuff is brutal...
And having to fit it in all sorts of awkward spots is no fun at all.
One of the great things from this weekend is that we got the roof up on the addition! I (obviously) have never done a roof before so it was great to see how its done. We worked through the morning and got most of it done by around 2pm. Sorry - no pictures yet, but I'll upload some of my handiwork soon!
The final step to bring the construction up to code was running a vent pipe from the bathroom sink all the way through our new crawl-space and out the roof. That was quite a task, but thanks to my ingenuity (harhar) and a lot of PVC pipe, we were able to make it work.
Tensions were running high and we can definitely say that we have had better weekends in our lives. We were just talking about it, and hopefully that is the worst of it - smooth sailing the rest of the way!
And the good news is that we passed all our inspections yesterday (which was a surprise because typically it takes a couple days to get it all done) so I am taking off from work today to put in insulation! Yay!! That way, we can get drywall up in the addition and get ready for cabinets!!
Onward and upwards! Kitchen pictures coming tonight!
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